This is the privacy statement that applies to all candidates who participate in ABN AMRO's recruitment and selection process. The recruitment and selection process starts when you apply for a vacancy at ABN AMRO. The process ends as soon as you are rejected or sign an employment agreement with ABN AMRO. This privacy statement explains how ABN AMRO handles your personal data.
ABN AMRO is responsible for your personal data. ABN AMRO's full details are as follows: Gustav Mahlerlaan 10, 1082 PP Amsterdam.
ABN AMRO has a Data Protection Officer. The Data Protection Officer monitors the application of, and compliance with, data protection legislation. If you have questions about the use of your personal data, please contact
Most of the personal data relating to you that is processed by ABN AMRO is personal data that it obtained directly from you. In addition, ABN AMRO uses personal data relating to you that it obtains possibly from other sources. Personal data may be obtained from sources such as:
ABN AMRO uses your personal data for one or more of the following reasons.
Rules and regulations
ABN AMRO also processes your personal data because it is required to do so under various laws and regulations. Banks are governed by many rules. ABN AMRO must have sound and controlled operational policies and processes in place in order to manage integrity risk and guarantee the integrity of the bank and the financial sector as a whole. One aspect of sound and controlled operational policies and procedures is the selection of ethical employees.
Legitimate interest
ABN AMRO may also use your personal data if it has a legitimate interest in this. For this to apply, ABN AMRO's interest in using your personal data must outweigh your right to privacy. In situations such as these, ABN AMRO balances all the interests.
The following are examples of legitimate interests that ABN AMRO has in using your personal data in the recruitment and selection process:
ABN AMRO uses your personal data for the following purposes.
Recruitment and selection of suitable, qualified employees
ABN AMRO uses your personal data in order to assess your suitability for the relevant role. If you are given an employment agreement, ABN AMRO uses your personal data to draw up this contract.
Ensuring integrity and security
ABN AMRO also uses personal data to protect itself, its property, its data and its employees from all kinds of breaches, damage and losses insofar as possible.
ABN AMRO uses personal data relating to candidates so that it can pursue a responsible, effective and efficient HR policy.
Rules and regulations
Finally, ABN AMRO uses personal data relating to employees in order to comply with applicable legislation and regulations, Under the Dutch Financial Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht - Wft) and subordinate legislation, ABN AMRO must have sound and controlled operational policies and processes. One aspect of sound and controlled operational policies and procedures is the selection of ethical employees.
As guaranteeing the reliability, professionalism and security of its organisation is important to ABN AMRO, the final phase of the application process consists of pre-employment screening. Personal data obtained from public sources may also be used for this purpose.ABN AMRO's pre-employment screening consists of the following as a minimum:
The screening process consists of internal and external screening. ABN AMRO performs the internal screening, and in that context it will request, access and verify information relating to you. In the case of external screening for a role at ABN AMRO that is based in the Netherlands, ABN AMRO uses a specialist screening agency, Validata (for more information go to We do not transfer your personal data to that agency: you must enter and upload your personal data on that party's website yourself. If you apply for a role in a country other than the Netherlands, a local screening agency performs the screening or, alternatively, the organisation in the relevant country follows its own screening procedure.
ABN AMRO may also use your personal data for a purpose other than the purpose for which you initially provided it. This is, however, subject to the condition that the new purpose must be in line with the purpose for which you initially provided your personal data to us. To determine whether this is the case, ABN AMRO looks at the following aspects as a minimum:
ABN AMRO may share your personal data with companies that help us with recruiting and selection of candidates, like recruitment agencies.
Also ABN AMRO may share your personal data with suppliers of assessments, for instance so that a personality test can be conducted.
If ABN AMRO decides to hire you, your data will be shared with Raet so that it can draw up your employment agreement. Raet takes care of HR-related matters for the bank.
ABN AMRO takes due care when selecting the companies with which it works. ABN AMRO reaches clear contractual agreements with these companies on how they are to handle your personal data. ABN AMRO continues to be responsible for your personal data when it engages another company to carry out work on its behalf.
ABN AMRO goes to great lengths to ensure the highest possible level of protection for your personal data. In connection with this, ABN AMRO invests heavily in its people, systems and procedures. The way of working is constantly geared to the sensitivity of the relevant data. Employees are trained how to keep data safe and secure.
For security reasons, details of the precise data protection measures taken by the bank cannot be provided. Examples of the measures taken by the bank to protect the personal data of employees can be found in section headed 'What does ABN AMRO use your personal data for?' under item 2.
ABN AMRO and its group companies may decide to share personal data with each other. even when the group companies are located outside Europe. If, for example, you were to apply for a role at ABN AMRO's Sydney office, the bank would transfer personal data relating to you to that office. In doing so, the bank must comply with the local rules.
The sharing of personal data with group companies outside Europe is governed by the bank's global internal policy, the Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs). This policy has been approved by the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Dutch DPA).
ABN AMRO may also make use of IT suppliers that are based outside Europe or that also offer services from countries outside Europe. In that case, ABN AMRO will ensure that personal data is transferred in accordance with the data protection legislation.
When determining the storage periods for such personal data, the guiding principle is that the personal data is kept for at least as long as is necessary in order to fulfil the purpose for which that personal data was obtained. The data protection legislation does not stipulate specific storage periods for personal data. Other legislation may specify minimum storage periods, however. If it does, the bank must observe these periods.
In principle, ABN AMRO keeps the personal data of rejected candidates for a period of one year starting from the date on which their application is rejected. If your application has been rejected and you want your personal data to be removed, you can request this via If you are hired as an employee, ABN AMRO will keep your personal data for the same length of time as personal data relating to other employees. Most personal data relating to employees is kept for a period of seven years following the termination of employment.
Right of inspection, right to rectification, right to be forgotten, right to restriction
You have the right to inspect the personal data relating to you that ABN AMRO processes. You can also ask ABN AMRO to correct any inaccuracies in your personal data. To do this, please submit a request via
In some cases, you can also ask ABN AMRO to delete your personal data. ABN AMRO is not obliged to grant your request for the deletion of your personal data in all cases. For example, it is not under an obligation to do so if the law requires it to keep your personal data for a longer period of time.
You can also ask ABN AMRO to restrict the use of your personal data on a temporary basis. This is possible in the following situations:
ABN AMRO can arrange for you to obtain your personal data that you provided to it and which is stored by automated means. It will not do this unless it processes your personal data on the basis of your consent or the contract it has concluded with you. This is referred to as data portability.
Requests to receive your personal data or provide it to another party can be submitted through
Please keep your personal data secure. Check whether any party you want to provide your personal data to can be trusted and keeps your personal data as safe as ABN AMRO does. If you want to receive your personal data, please make sure that your own equipment is adequately secure and has not been, or cannot be, hacked.
Please contact us if you have any questions about this privacy statement. We are here to help:
If you do not agree with the way in which ABN AMRO handles your personal data, you can lodge a complaint with the Complaints Management department
You can also lodge a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Dutch DPA).
The way your personal data is used may change over time due to changes in laws and regulations or in internal procedures or systems that will directly affect ABN AMRO's use of your personal data. If this happens, the Privacy Statement will be changed and ABN AMRO will notify you of these changes. In that case, the changes will be published on the website