Jade Clemens Agíss

New Business Acquisition Banker

"It’s a super varied job! One minute I'll be in a workshop talking about the onboarding of new customers, the next I'll be providing input for a new marketing campaign."

Private Banking


"When I tell people at parties what I do, they rarely ask me to go on! Or they quickly change the subject. They tend to think my job is boring. I also get asked cynical questions like: ‘So you’re looking for people with lots of money.’ But if I get a chance to tell them more, their perception usually changes."

"For instance, did you know that ABN AMRO Private Banking is making a significant positive social and environmental impact? We actively pursue impact investing, which means that the assets we invest not only generate a financial return but also make a positive contribution to people and the environment. For example, because an investment supports better social conditions, employment or energy conservation. By bringing these types of opportunity to our customers' attention, we are making a big difference."

Ended up at a bank after all

"Though if I'm honest, before I started at ABN AMRO I also thought working at a bank would be boring. What’s more, I studied law and went on to do a legal internship. So initially my career seemed to be going in a completely different direction."

"But through my graduation project, I ended up at a bank after all! At ABN AMRO, I studied the legal framework for budget support and the legal basis for the service banks offer to governments and budget support organisations."

First job: Private Banking in The Hague

"I soon discovered that working for ABN AMRO was actually a lot of fun! So much so that I decided to stay on after I graduated. I started as a commercial assistant at the Private Banking office in The Hague. I had a great time doing that for two and a half years, and especially enjoyed the regular contact with customers."

"In this sector of the bank, you really get to know the customers well. Together, you look for the best way of investing their private assets, and have lots of personal discussions on the subject." 

Transfer to head office

"After a while, I wanted to develop myself further within the bank. I still enjoyed the contact with customers, but I also wanted to know what it would be like to work at our head office in Amsterdam, which is where the strategic thinking about the future direction of the Private Bank takes place. So I was also keen to be involved in that."

"By happy chance, a position became available which brought it all together. So I’m now a New Business Acquisition Banker at head office. I spend some of my time conducting intake interviews with new customers, and also work with my colleagues to optimise the acquisition processes for the Private Bank as a whole."

"It’s a super varied job! One minute I'll be in a workshop talking about the onboarding of new customers, the next I'll be providing input on the commercial follow-up for a new marketing campaign. If it's anything to do with new Private Banking customers, it comes my way."

New Masters degree

"Meanwhile, I’ve also started work on a part-time Master's degree in business ethics! Although it’s not directly related to my day-to-day work, ABN AMRO’s still giving me time off to do it. My managers think it’s important for me to develop myself, and they support me whatever my choice of study. And who knows? I might get a chance to use my newly acquired knowledge in the bank later on." 

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