Sander Cremers

Portfolio Manager Financial Risk

"At the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, we gave many of our customers a temporary moratorium on interest and redemption payments on their loans. It feels good to help businesses that are experiencing difficulties.” 

Finance & Risk Management

Understanding our credit customers, from one-man businesses to multinationals 

"I joined ABN AMRO by chance. After gaining my degree in econometrics, I went to work for a consultancy, which sent me to ABN AMRO on a temporary assignment. I wasn’t really looking forward to it as the bank seemed a stuffy and boring place. However, nothing could have been further from the truth! In fact, I liked it so much that I quit my existing job and went to work for the bank instead.” 

From local retailers to large hotel chains

"I’ve been working in the Finance & Risk Management department for three years now. Businesses of all shapes and sizes, from one-man businesses to multinationals, take out loans with ABN AMRO. As a risk manager, my job is to look at their financial situation. For example, we assess the likelihood of loans being repaid on time, or the impact of an event like Brexit on certain sectors."

"My work is interesting because I learn about many different sectors of business. Retail chains, the local butcher on the corner, commercial service providers, farms... They’ve all got their own earnings model. My work is especially topical right now of course. At the start of the COVID-19 crisis, we gave some of these companies a temporary moratorium on their loan interest and redemption payments. It feels good to help businesses that are experiencing difficulties." 

Working hard in a small team

"I work in a close-knit team of ten. As well as discussing work, we also talk about the personal aspects of our lives because we think it’s crucial to know how our colleagues are doing. We regularly do enjoyable things together, such as attending sporting events or organising drinks or a strategy day with other departments."

"My team is becoming increasingly international. I have colleagues from Italy, Greece, China and India. I think this really adds value, because I get to know other cultures. Everyone also brings along their own way of working, and we can learn a lot from that.” 

Constantly growing

"The bank also feels it is important that we continue to develop ourselves. So we all receive an annual training budget of EUR 1,000. This year I’d like to go on a leadership course. We also have a couple of learning weeks each year, when we can attend workshops and courses. Some are work-related, but not all. Many of our non-Dutch colleagues, for instance, opt for a course in Dutch." 

"We also all get five Banking for Better days which we can use to do voluntary work or to work on our personal development. I’m still young, so my priority at the moment is to invest in myself. I’ve therefore set aside those days for my Financial Risk Management training." 

First run, then treat yourself to a craft beer

"Each year I consider, together with management, whether I’m ready for a next step. ABN AMRO is a big company and there’s so much to do. So it’s easy to move jobs internally. My goal is eventually to move into a managerial job."

"In addition to my work at the bank, I have my own business, organising running events. Initially just in Amsterdam, and now across the whole of the Netherlands. One day we even hope to expand to other countries in Europe. The races I organise are virtual ones which people can do in their own time. The idea is: first run, then enjoy a locally brewed craft beer. We’re growing fast and becoming increasingly popular." 

"So I’m glad that my regular job gives me enough time for this. As a result, I have a good work-life balance. There are many enterprising people working at ABN AMRO, and personal initiative is appreciated. After all, life is about more than just hard work!"

Curious how we approach hybrid working?

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