Sanne van der Bie

Communications Manager

"The financial sector is, of course, fairly straightforward, but we deal with creative processes and people. That is why it is important in our work to be articulate and to have guts.'

Customer & Products

From creative process to successful campaign 

'After years of working for advertising agencies, I started working as a Communications Officer at ABN AMRO. I came to the bank through a recruiter. I enjoy seeing the process from the other side, now I am the client visiting advertising agencies.'  

Developing campaigns with an impact

'I deal with all external communications and media for ABN AMRO. I work closely with advertising agencies, communication professionals and research institutions. We develop TV spots, radio advertisements and online campaigns. Themost important question in my work is: what do we want to convey as a bank? We want clients and prospects to associate us with certain values.' 

'We want to show the bank's expertise and social commitment to the outside world. We are currently focusing on these two brand values in our external communication. Since ABN AMRO is such a large company, we can make a huge impact. It's so much fun developing campaigns for a company that everyone has heard of – you can really make a difference.' 

Shining the spotlight on the entire bank

'Everything we come up with is extremely visible. It is also a matter of preference Every word, sound and image is a deliberate choice. Another challenge is that we work for the entire bank, from Retail to Private Banking to Corporate Banking. It is up to us to shine the spotlight on all products and services. We have to make choices about what we do and do not show.'

Beers and bitterballen in the Bijlmer

'The entire Communications department comprises around 60 people in total, and each team has its own focus: the corporate market, daily banking matters, employer branding... Each team has data analysts, copywriters, content marketers and communications specialists.' 

'I work for Draai Naar Digitaal (DND) as part of a team of eight people. We communicate with each other on a daily basis and we try to go into the office in small groups more regularly. Especially when we're working from home, it is important to make time for small talk. Otherwise, you run the risk that you only talk about work. Recently, we went for a drink at a café in the Bijlmer, close to our office. It was so nice to see each other again in person.' 

You decide how to spend your working days

'Freedom is a high priority within our team. There aren't many rules, we decide how we spent our working days and we do not check up on each other. Everyone is motivated and we are all young and ambitious. It is also important to the team that we to continue developing.' 

'A while back, my manager forwarded me a link to an extensive marketing course, which I could take during working hours. She really works with me and it's important to her that I take training courses and continue developing.'

Room for creativity

'The course focused on creativity. The banking world is fairly straightforward, but we deal with creative processes and people. To come up with a good campaign, you have to be open to ideas, and it's the best ideas that can cause friction. Large companies tend to go down the safe route, which is why it is important in our work to be articulate and to have guts. Dare to take the road less travelled – that's often how the best ideas emerge.'

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